Douglas de Freitas (São Paulo, 1986) is the current curator of Instituto Inhotim. A Bachelor in Visual Arts, his curatorial line of research focuses on works with an installation profile designed for a specific architecture or context and establishing a constructive dialogue with the installation spaces and their uses. He sees the work as a curator as a field to mediate and organize the ideas of the various agents in the exhibition process, using archives as a curatorial source. De Freitas was one of the finalists in the 2015/2016 and 2017/2018 Marcantonio Vilaça Prize, in the Curator category. Also, he worked as the Organizer of the monograph book of Carmela Gross (Cobogó) and a Co-editor of ‘Pathways: Visitor ́s Guide Inhotim’.
Photo: Brendon Campos
Work Experience
Instituto Inhotim
Curator (2019 – to date)
São Paulo City Museum – Historic Heritage Department
City Department of Culture – São Paulo Municipal Government
Curator (2011 – 2019) / Assistant Curator (2008 - 2011)
Centro Cultural São Paulo
City Department of Culture – São Paulo Municipal Government
Visual Arts curatorial intern (2006 – 2008)
Selected Curatorial Works
2021 – 2024
- Abdias Nascimento and the Black Art Museum, Mata Gallery, Instituto Inhotim: Four exhibitions occupied the gallery between 2021 and 2024 with the multiple legacy of Abdias Nascimento in his fight against racism. (NY Times review)
- Enamorados (‘In Love’), Laura Belém, Instituto Inhotim
- Instalação de Birutas (‘Windsock Installation’), Arjan Martins, Instituto Inhotim
- Ocupação Biblioteca (‘Library Occupation’), Jaime Lauriano, Instituto Inhotim
- Cildo Meirelles, Marilá Dardot, and Rivanne newbsvander, Projeto 15 segundos (’Project 15 Seconds’), Instituto Inhotim
- Projeto 4x5 (‘Project 4x5’), Marília Razuk Gallery, São Paulo. Participating artists: Adalgisa Campos, Alexandre Canonico, Amanda Melo da Mota, Amilcar de Castro, Ana Dias Batista, Ana Sario, Daniel Acosta, Desali, Eleonore Koch, Froiid, Hugo Frasa, José Leonilson, Julio Plaza, Lais Myrrha, Laura Belém, Maria Laet, Mariana Serri, Raquel Garbelotti, Rommulo Vieira Conceição, and Vanderlei Lopes.
- The physical space can be an abstract, complex, and a work-in-progress space, Rommulo Vieira Conceição, Instituto Inhotim
- PROPAGANDA, Lucia Koch, Praça Gallery and Brumadinho, Instituto Inhotim
- Mais dia, menos noite (‘More day, less night’), Tatiana Blass, Pampulha Museum of Art, Belo Horizonte
- Allegro, a retrospective exhibition of Lacaz, Chácara Lane, São Paulo City Museum
- MORUMBI CAXINGUI BUTANTÃ – Mará-obi, Marcius Galan, Morumbi Chapel; Reintegração de posse(‘Ownership Repossession’), Matheus Rocha Pitta, Casa do Sertanista; Família em desordem (‘Family in disorder’), Cinthia Marcelle, Casa do Bandeirante, São Paulo City Museum
- DOMO, Vanderlei Lopes, Morumbi Chapel, São Paulo City Museum
- ZBA – Zerbine, Barrão, and Albano, curators Marcelo Campos, Felipe Scovino, and Douglas de Freitas, Santander Cultural, Porto Alegre
- Para Marcela e as outras (‘For Marcela and the other girls’), Sara Ramo, Morumbi Chapel, São Paulo City Museum
- Arte à mão armada (‘Art armed robbery’), Carmela Gross, Chácara Lane, São Paulo City Museum
- Em espera (‘Waiting’), Murillo La Greca Museum, Recife
- Guerra do Tempo (‘Time War’), Marilá Dardot, Chácara Lane, São Paulo City Museum
- Projeto DentroFora – Vol.1 printed (‘Project DentroFora’), Bruno Faria and Fabio Morais with the participation of Guto Lacaz, Gallery, São Paulo
- ANEKDOTA, Laura Belém, Morumbi Chapel, São Paulo City Museum
- NO AR: desenho, projeto, gravura (‘IN THE AIR: drawing, project, printing’), Laura Vinci, Solar da Marquesa, São Paulo City Museum
- Luminoso de Portão e Sing Board (‘Gate Lamp and Sing Board‘), Débora Bolsoni / Space Invaders, Wagner Malta Tavares / Noturna (‘Nocturnal’), Laura Vinci, PROAC Visual Arts Prize, Ateliê Coletivo 2e1, São Paulo
- Poente (‘Setting’), Felipe Cohen, Morumbi Chapel, São Paulo City Museum
- A Casa das Fontes (‘The Fountain House’), Sandra Cinto, Casa do Sertanista, São Paulo City Museum
- Recuo (‘Retreat’), Iran do Espírito Santo, Morumbi Chapel, São Paulo City Museum
- Cromoteísmo (‘Choromotheism’), Lucia Koch, Morumbi Chapel, São Paulo City Museum
- Instável (‘Unstable’), Paço das Artes, São Paulo
- Penélope, Tatiana Blass, Morumbi Chapel, São Paulo City Museum
- Um e Outro Silêncio (‘One and Another Silence’), Maurício Ianês, Morumbi Chapel, São Paulo City Museum
- Finalist in the Marcantonio Vilaça Curator Prize (2017/2018)
- PROAC Visual Arts Prize (2015)
- Amplificadores das Artes (‘Art Amplifiers’) Prize - Recife (2015)
- Finalist in the Marcantonio Vilaça Curator Prize (2015/2016)
- PROAC Visual Arts Prize (2013)
- Funarte Contemporary Art Prize – Nordeste Visual Arts Salon/Recife – PE (2013)